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Kratom Strains

Kratom strains, red, green and white

Kratom Strains

New users may find themselves confused over all the various names displayed on kratom. I was too in the beginning. The issue with researching kratom strains is that the internet is chocked full of stagnant information. However useful this may be, it is quite frustrating shuffling through personal opinions and ‘Wiki’ pages in an effort to find truths among the web. Here at, our main focus is compiling the most comprehensive information anywhere online. We strive to bring all your kratom needs and current news releases into one easy and centralized location. Rather than surfing from site to site, we will provide everything you may need in one place.

Simple Slogan to Remember Strains

Red, Green, White, Maeng Da, Yellow, Chocolate, etc. The list of kratom strains is consistently growing and sparking much confusion among the kratom community. There is one simple rule that has gotten me this far. Always remember WHITE for FLIGHT. RED for BED. GREEN for IN BETWEEN. Remembering this little saying will surely come in handy the next time you are looking to buy a strain for a chronic backache, or you are wanting a particular strain for controlling anxiety.

Kratom Experience

Another key point to remember is that kratom is somewhat unique and personal for each user. This basically means no two people will experience the same effect from the same dose of the exact same strain. I am unsure if it is from the alkaloids or something quite the opposite. One thing for certain is what may suit one person can be completely different from what the next person will experience. Mastering the dosage and the strain is a personal quest and should be understood thoroughly when beginning kratom. Each strain varies greatly in effects and potency levels.

Two Names

Kratom will almost always come with two names, such as White Maeng Da or Red Borneo. The first name will represent the part of the leaf it is derived from. For instance, green veins/strains come from the green leafy parts of the mitragyna speciosa tree. Red veins/strains will come from the red veins found throughout the leaf which are ground out during the harvesting and processing. The second part of the name represents the region it was harvested from; for example Borneo or Cambodia. Fairly simple.

Red Strains/Red Veins

Out of all the strains being sold today, red is the most widely consumed. It is the best strain for the early beginner because it is not too powerful as either an upper or a downer. Red strains, also called red veins, is well known for its potent anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) and sedating properties. Red strains are popular for sleep enhancement and overall relaxation. Many users will find the red strains to be calming and they give the user a feeling of peacefulness and calmness. Of all the strains, the Red strains (especially Red Maeng Da) are the most potent for weaning off of opiates or anti-anxiety medications. For instance, xanax or clonazepam. The alkaloids found within the Red strains are considered mu-opioid receptor agonists. This basically means they trick the brain into thinking it is getting opiates and it eases the withdrawal symptoms. A dose of kratom can help to relieve the unpleasant side effects of the withdrawal by attaching its alkaloids to the delta-opioid receptors in the brain.  Although opiate drugs bind to the mu-opioid receptors, the mitragynine’s unique ability to attach to the delta receptors can relieve withdrawal symptoms without the risk of further dependency. I first began my sobriety with Red strains and am very glad I did so. Click Here to read my testimony. Red strains are often substituted for muscle relaxers due to its relaxing effects. The best Red strain reported among users for treating pain is definitely Red Indonesian, Red Borneo, or Red Bali. To see how each strain may effect the individual, click here.

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White Strains/ White Veins

White veins are known to be the most powerful energizers and they give the user a sense of euphoria at high doses. It is considered a stimulant and it truly does the trick when you simply need a quick boost! Because of these stimulating properties, white veins are often used to treat depression, chronic fatigue syndrome and even narcolepsy. As with all strains, the level of effect will depend greatly on the user, the general health of the individual, the dosage and the user’s tolerance level. White veins are the way to go when you are sure your day will be long and full of hard-work. It will boost energy naturally without any jitters or aggravation, unlike many other stimulants. Whites are great for improving memory and concentration. I tend to use White Maeng Da or White Sundra on late nights writing, or when I am cramming for my midterms. Whites are never too powerful and only on rare occassions does the user experience any type of agitation or nervousness. Often vendors will add catchy names to these products, but the truth is they are never anything more than just a basic white, red or green strain. Yellows, Chocolates, etc…all the same. Lightening, Silver, etc. I don’t understand the marketing ploy.

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Green Veins/ Green Strains

If you are desiring a perfect combination of the two above, then green veins/strains are the way to go. A Perfect Storm! The green strain is truly something quite special with it’s potent pain relieving and energizing properties. It is not too much, not too little of anything. It perfectly helps boost energy while killing pain and promoting relaxation. How much better can it get? Green Malaysian is superb for treating chronic pain and general aches. Malay and Super Green are my personal favorites for treating the chronic back pain from three failed surgeries. Click the links above to find the best Super Greens and best Malays on the market. Unlike most prescription pain medications, green strains relieve pain effectively without any drowsiness. It is great for giving a mild energy and boosting mental clarity. Maeng Da, or Pimp Grade, is a strain produced by artificial selection mainly in Thailand that is superior in quality. Maeng Da is made from the blending and grafting of select plants known for potency in an effort to create the absolute best strain.

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Creating a personal blend is the best way to find your happy medium. I will mix red, green, and white at 33% each to create a potent mixture that is wonderful for pain, energy and anxiety. You can sometimes buy this pre-made from online vendors or in select brick and mortar stores. Mixing them yourself is not an issue, as all kratom can safely be mixed among strains.


FDA Required Disclaimer: The statements and products shown on this website have not been evaluated by the US Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The views in this article are of the writer only.


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